Agence Mauritanienne de Pêche Sarl (AMP)

Mauritania opens up to the Atlantic Ocean with a 740 km coastline with the most fish in the world in terms of quantity, quality and diversity of species.

This fish wealth makes Mauritania one of the main destinations for direct and indirect foreign investment on an international scale. Despite the importance of the resource, the outlets and the large number of operators active in the sector, the Mauritanian fisheries sector does very little processing of fishery products on Mauritanian soil.

It is for this reason that the Hmayada Holding group began to take an interest in this sector by dedicating a subsidiary to it, the Mauritanian Fishing Agency (AMP sarl).

The Mauritanian Fishing Agency is currently developing a large portfolio of projects with very high added value. This involves creating a Mauritanian tuna canning industry in the Nouadhibou free zone with an antenna at the integrated economic development hubs of the port of Titanit. 

This project will help consolidate the MPA's activities on traditional fisheries.